Local Sightings of Flamingos Flocking

Phoenicopterus ruberplasticus

Pink plastic flamingo flocks can be identified by their surprise appearance in yards and gardens. Flocking birds tend arrive in the stealth of night, bask in the sunlight and attention for a few days and then move on to other locations, but a flamingo flock foraging in the morning light is a lovely sight and is commonly thought to bring luck and joy to the recipient. Body is bright pink, legs are gray; usually only one leg is visible. Adult length ranges 20" -24", young are smaller and a deeper shade of pink.

Learn! What is Flocking all About ??? Flocking Orders Stopped on July 31

Photos of confirmed flamingo sightings are provided below. To submit your photos of flamingo sightings for addition to this page, please email them to the webmaster.

Our last flocking of the season was a spectacular birthday greeting! Happy Birthday!



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