These World Vison Kids Need a Sponsor

These children didn't ask to be born into such a difficult life. Can't you help them to work toward a better one? Only $30 a month can give a child clean water, nutritious food, education, spiritual guidance, and health care. A group can share the cost, lessening the financial consideration. We have been so richly blessed... please do what you can to make a difference and let these children know they are loved. Contact Deb Davidson to see how easy it is to sponsor a child.


These children didn't ask to be born into such a difficult life. Can't you help them to work toward a better one? Only $30 a month can give a child clean water, nutritious food, education, spiritual guidance, and health care. A group can share the cost, lessening the financial consideration. We have been so richly blessed... please do what you can to make a difference and let these children know they are loved. Contact Deb Davidson to see how easy it is to sponsor a child.


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